Tuesday 2 October 2018


How about this, does this fit the scene? Not being able to see what is actually happening around us remaining concealed within the dark not being able to be seen lingering. We all can feel it it unites us does it not?

Lets look at it from 149.6 million km away, how would it look? would it look the same? From that distance nothing will look the same nor will it feel the same or think the same so why at this current distance that we are living every day does it seem so foul? is it that the further you are the easier it is, that it gets better with distance or time?

Some where out there people enter and never come out, they go there to do what they feel needs to be done. I think that they feel they will be free for ever. Maybe that is right maybe this is all fake and the only way to be free is by letting go. 

You will never be free until you free yourself from the prison of your own false thoughts. 

ibzzie xx

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